Make a donation
What your donation can do

If you would like any further information on how to donate to The Civic please contact: getinvolved@thecivicholmfirth-org.stackstaging.com – call: 01484 682643.
Every year we have to raise vital funds to support our diverse programme of activity. You can help The Civic most directly by making a donation, either as a one-off gift or as a regular contribution to the organisation.
All donations both large and small make a difference to what we are able to do.
Contributions provide crucial support for conservation, the exhibition programme, education and outreach activities.
Donations will provide:
£1.50 – Could provide electricity for 1 hour in the whole building.
£100 – Could pay for a local marketing campaign to generate further funds for the trust.
£200 – Could pay for our water supply for 2 months.
£500 – Could pay for our telephone and internet for 12 months.
£1000 – Could pay for new safe external lighting to our front entrance.
£6,000 – Could pay for a set of our external fire doors to be replaced.